• controlled.js

  • var CACHE = 'cache-update-and-refresh';
    if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
      navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var message = JSON.parse(evt.data);
        var isRefresh = message.type === 'refresh';
        var isAsset = message.url.includes('asset');
        var lastETag = localStorage.currentETag;
  • ETag header usually contains the hash of the resource so it is a very effective way of check for fresh content.

        var isNew =  lastETag !== message.eTag;
        if (isRefresh && isAsset && isNew) {
  • Escape the first time (when there is no ETag yet)

          if (lastETag) {
  • Inform the user about the update

            notice.hidden = false;
  • For teaching purposes, although this information is in the offline cache and it could be retrieved from the service worker, keeping track of the header in the localStorage keeps the implementation simple.

          localStorage.currentETag = message.eTag;
      var notice = document.querySelector('#update-notice');
      var update = document.querySelector('#update');
      update.onclick = function (evt) {
        var img = document.querySelector('img');
  • Avoid navigation.

  • Open the proper cache.

  • Get the updated response.

        .then(function (cache) {
          return cache.match(img.src);
  • Extract the body as a blob.

        .then(function (response) {
          return response.blob();
  • Update the image content.

        .then(function (bodyBlob) {
          var url = URL.createObjectURL(bodyBlob);
          img.src = url;
          notice.hidden = true;

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